Guest post by BPM ToolCraft

Restoring old tools can be cost-effective and rewarding. However, when it comes to de-rusting tools, you’ll find that most rust-removing products tend to be acid-based – with the milder formulas favouring citric acids and the more potent stuff centring around phosphoric acid.

Unfortunately, the downside to a strong acid-based rust remover is that the solution doesn’t discriminate between what is rust (iron oxide) and what is paint, solder, wood, or bare metal.

For this reason, it’s best to avoid these formulas when working with sensitive materials like paint, solder, brazing, stainless steel or chromed surfaces.

EVAPO-RUST, on the other hand, is an award-winning solution that dissolves rust through a process called ‘Selective Chelation’, where molecules within the EVAPO-RUST specifically bond to rust particles without attacking other materials – paint, wood, solder or bare metal.

This means you can use EVAPO-RUST for all tool-restoration applications, and the best part is, the product is also…

  • Reusable
  • Biodegradable
  • Non-toxic
  • And safe to use
Unlike acid-based rust removers, EVAPO-RUST won’t damage cutting edges, tungsten tips, or silver brazing. Of course, if a saw blade were indeed this rusted, it would be best to discard it for safety reasons. That said, the following images and restoration are only for information purposes and to highlight the product’s effectiveness.
EVAPO-RUST is designed to dissolve iron oxide only and won’t damage other metal materials and surfaces, like brazing or tungsten.
Place the tool or component in a suitably sized container. Try to find a container roughly the same size as the component you’re de-rusting to avoid using more EVAPO-RUST than necessary.
Shake the bottle well before use.
Make sure the component is entirely submerged. Any edges that are not below the liquid’s surface will not de-rust.
The process can take anywhere between one and 24 hours. Results will depend on the extent of the rust and the ambient temperature. Try to heat the solution to at least 18º for best results. Leaving it in the sun will usually do the trick.
The liquid will turn a dark colour as the rust dissolves.
The more significant the rust, the darker the change.
Results! No scrubbing, grinding or elbow grease is required. Just rinse the component with clean water when you’re done, and dry thoroughly.
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Posted in DIY